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Excellent Landscaping Services in Central Ohio

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Proudly Servicing Columbus For Over 15 Years!

Enhancing Landscapes One Bed at a Time

Create Your Dream Lawn or Landscape

Cornwell Lawn and Landscaping creates beautiful lawns through landscape services in Central Ohio. We specialize in helping home and business owners increase their property value and visual appeal. Our services include build, maintenance, and design. We can do it all, be it yard beautification or a complete property renovation. Our expert team takes the time and effort to make your property the best it can be. We have the experience and the expertise to transform your lawn into a lush, healthy landscape.

Our Services


Leave a lasting impression with our excellent landscape design, installation, and maintenance for commercial properties.

Design & Build

Let us renovate your outdoor space. Our stellar landscaping team will evaluate your property and build your dream yard.

Lawn Maintenance

Give your lawn some love. We offer quality lawn maintenance and care to improve the health and appearance of your yard.

Quality Services and Results That Last

We take ownership of our work daily. Our quality landscaping is made to last, so you can enjoy your yard for years to come. Our team evaluates your property’s unique soil, climate, fertilization, and irrigation to ensure a healthy and beautiful yard. We work with you to create results that you’ll love. Our goal is to ensure you are delighted with our services. We want your finished landscape to support your unique vision.

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